Hello there, Hoomans!
Welcome to our blog, and thank you so much for dropping by – we’re very much humbled to have you here^^ – Our site is still a work in progress yet excited to share all of what we have discovered by chance that may inform and add a little know about in your life’s journey.
Likewise, there is a story behind the domain name., teehee
Notice the Capitalize letters? It’s actually the first 2 [two] letters behind the owner of this page! And now you have an idea to it, let me introduce ourselves.
Hi, we’re Myke Wong and Sherendine Sy! and one of the very purpose of this site is that; it was “Made to SHare” anything under the sun or simply impart things we love.
He is ever lending generously, and his children become a blessing.
Psalm 37:26
Team M|S are both registered and licensed Architects in the Philippines but currently one is away, M is working in Singapore, due to circumstances in life that needs to step up the game and earn a little more than the regular fee given to our profession here in the country.
S, on the other hand will manage our future dream, an architectural design firm – check out some of our projects and don’t hesitate to contact MSSW: Making Solutions to Something Workable.
And before I may forget, I’d like to inform you also that I’m a registered and licensed Financial Adviser under PRUlife, UK. This indeed add color to my life with further pledging to secure more lives of fellow Filipino citizens and simply teaching the power of saving. And since I have a pretty long, I’m also known as “Denden”. Hope I may be able to touch your life as well with SYmplypruDENt at your service.
Lastly, as we would always say to ourselves that “sharing is caring” and hope we can be a channel of blessings to you.
We’ll be parting off with this verse~
10 Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. 11 If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.
1 Peter 4:10-11