Day 10: Abundance and the Law of Karma

KARMA is like a cycle of cause and effect in which whatever you do sometimes it may just come back to you tenfold either good or bad you have did. 😅 So choose wisely. hihi

Well on the other hand, it’s not us who will give judgement to what you have done but in Him alone, our father up there. But let me leave a nice quote below from Deepak Chopra as it can be related to any situation depending on your understanding to it.

But for me to connect it to the picture below, don’t be afraid to open your heart to JESUS especially telling him all your sufferings and worries as He is the only one can comfort you in times of despair in little ways through our environment or others. We just probably have to be appreciate anything and everything as what Chopra would remind us. Happy meditating! as we our in the middle of our journey! 🙂

In today’s meditation, we will discuss the Law of Karma, or conscious decision-making, and see how, by making the right choices, we can bring much more good into our lives.

When you make any choice, you may ask yourself: how will this choice bring more happiness and more abundance to my life and those around me? Having asked this question, shift your attention to the heart, and the answer will immediately become clear.

By practicing conscious decision-making in this way, you will learn to observe your thoughts and make decisions that are more favorable to you.

QUESTION 1: How do you make decisions?

QUESTION 2: How have your decisions affected your life?

QUESTION 3: How can you make a more conscious choice?


This is the Mantra you will repeat during meditation while you reflect: Om Kriam Nama, Om Kriam Nama, Om Kriam Nama

Here’s the link to meditation with Deepak Chopra. Little by little you’ll get the hang of doing this, do write our centering thought of the day below and repeat throughout the day in your mind.

Centering thought

“Today I make great choices because they are made with full awareness.”

Task for Day 10:

From yesterday’s task at Day 9, choose 2 things you listed that you feel limit you.

Establish a new practice, first by writing down at least 2 specific daily actions that “fix” the limitation (is that that reduce that what you perceive to be a deficiency). Fixing it could also be the intention to awareness that there is a plus side to this trait and you can start using it to your advantage!

After that, immediately begin to fulfill the intent of your new practice.

For example: If one of your flaws is being “rigid, set in your own ways,” you can establish a daily journaling of writing down your routines and rules, then make a list of new things that you want to learn and try. Say yes instead of no purely out of habit. Let others take charge without voicing your opinion, let it go/ practice letting the small stuff go, etc…

After you complete the task, please write: “Day 10 done.”
You have 24 hours to complete this task.

Please take note:

MytvlSHare is not affiliated with Deepak Chopra or any of the meditations provided by the Chopra Center but we wish to inform you that this was done as a way to share some positivity in the light of this pandemic, there is no There is no copyright infringement intended on this upload as we felt that it’s Meant to SHare to everyone as it did for our experience. If you did enjoy this video give us support by subscribing and clicking on the bell for notification as we plan to post more video Made to SHare for you which gave us a Trouvaille joy feeling ^^,

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