Day 13: Abundance and the Law of Detachment

Cheers to your goal of Abundance and law of detachment as you set foot this journey. If you happen to search on my FB personal timeline, I posted an article which is It’s Okay To Leave Toxic People Behind – Even If They’re Family, the headline is pretty much on point at the time of my life as I compose this., As we grow older every year we most likely meet a lot of people along our journey of life. Some may stay, some will take advantage of you and alike but there are just things that we should learn whom to keep and distant ourselves just to have a peace of mind. Honestly, there is no need to burn bridges because in one way or another, you’ll get to meet them again in this small world. Better leave them with a good mark that they would not stain your name in vain to others.

Keep your integrity intact as long as you don’t beyond borders of stepping on someone’s shoes, so you’ll be fine 🙂


This is the Mantra you will repeat during meditation while you reflect: Om Anadham Nama, Om Anadham Nama, Om Anadham Nama

Here’s the link to meditation with Deepak Chopra. Little by little you’ll get the hang of doing this, do write our centering thought of the day below and repeat throughout the day in your mind.

Centering thought

“As I let go of the need to arrange my life, the Universe brings abundant good to me.”

Task for Day 13:

Abundance and the Law of Detachment

Today, we learn how to abandon a desire to get a certain result.

We learn the Law of Detachment.

Abundance comes in many forms. As long as you create through desires that benefit the whole world, you can get whatever you want.

Symbols of abundance:
A big house, a new car, or elaborate jewelry will bring waves of excitement into your life. And yet, these symbols may mean sacrificing the ocean for the sake of several transient waves. Live overflowing with an abundance of love, passion, creativity and significance, and then these symbols themselves will “chase” you.

Q 1: What symbols of abundance do you dream of?

Q 2: How could they improve both your life and others?

Q 3: How else will such abundance positively affect your life?

For today’s task, think about your mom’s description from Day 11.

Consider your life and your patterns of behavior. Do you see some similarities between you and your mom?

What are they, how were they formed?

Write these reflections in your notebook.

Listen to today’s meditation twice in a row.

After you complete the task, please write: “Day 13 done.”

Please take note:

MytvlSHare is not affiliated with Deepak Chopra or any of the meditations provided by the Chopra Center but we wish to inform you that this was done as a way to share some positivity in the light of this pandemic, there is no There is no copyright infringement intended on this upload as we felt that it’s Meant to SHare to everyone as it did for our experience. If you did enjoy this video give us support by subscribing and clicking on the bell for notification as we plan to post more video Made to SHare for you which gave us a Trouvaille joy feeling ^^,

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