Day 2: The Source of All Abundance

For those who are doing this daily with us, Congratulations for committing to this practice & completing your first day!! How was it?

For those who happen to jumped in here as first timers in this blog post, you may want to hear the purpose of spreading this on Day 0 by clicking this link.


This is the Mantra you will repeat during meditation: Aham Bramasmi, Aham Bramasmi

Here’s the link of meditation with Deepak Chopra. Little by little you’ll get the hang of doing this, do write our centering thought of the day below 🙂

Centering thought

“I create my personal abundance from an infinite source.”

Task for Day 2:

First answer the question, “What does abundance mean to you?” You can write the answer in your notebook.

Next, this one may seem simple to some people but not to others. Remember that if it’s difficult for you to take on any task, there is a block – an obstacle in your mind. Just be aware of this and stick with it!

Write all of your debts in your notebook.

Debt on a bank account, credit cards, loans, debts to individuals, court debts – all of your debts, of any kind. No need to record the amount, only who is owed and for what.

For example: mortgage to bank, a car loan to mum, credit card for the gift to Lynn.

After that make a list of all your monthly payments. Again without numbers, just listing.

For example: rent, electricity, gas, water, accountant, insurance, classes, memberships, therapist, subscriptions, etc.

Everything you pay for each month should be recorded to make a complete list of the sources of your monthly expenses, constant and changing.

For some, this list will be extensive. Give yourself time to calmly walk through all the areas of your life in which you pay money. You may need to add what you remember throughout the day.

After you complete the task, please write “Day 2 done” (and nothing else).
You have 24 hours to complete this task.

Please take note:

MytvlSHare is not affiliated with Deepak Chopra or any of the meditations provided by the Chopra Center but we wish to inform you that this was done as a way to share some positivity in the light of this pandemic, there is no There is no copyright infringement intended on this upload as we felt that it’s Meant to SHare to everyone as it did for our experience. If you did enjoy this video give us support by subscribing and clicking on the bell for notification as we plan to post more video Made to SHare for you which gave us a Trouvaille joy feeling ^^,

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