Image is called “Against The Current” from THE CHOSEN merchandise

Click on the Titles that will lead you to our listed scene with Bible guide we’ve gathered and links to where you could watch and support their shows 🙂 [published, it yet still on-going whomever drops by]

Season 1: Episode 1 – I Have Called You By Name

What will you do if you are scared? Apparently, there have been fears and happenings in her life that troubled her emotions which could have triggered her faith to weaken, that’s why she was possessed making her feel she was in hell. Get to know the first disciple’s name as she was CHOSEN to be redeemed in her miseries after she was called by her real name.

Season 1: Episode 2 – Shabbat

              Take a look on how their Shabbat is being done in the early times since it is considered a religious observance and abstinence from work, kept by Jews from Friday evening to Saturday evening. But in our generation, it is our Sunday which we should normally spend the time with our family and an hour our praising him like going to mass.

Season 1: Episode 3 – Jesus Loves Little Children

              In this episode, you’ll showcase how we have this notion to children being innocent, which the lack of knowledge urges then to ask questions to Jesus which he deeply likes since their purity has not been spoiled by mundane affairs. That’s why Jesus would always remind them on one of the 10 commandments we’ve learnt from Moses which is to honor our parents.

Season 1: Episode 4 – The Rock Which It Is Built

              Let’s think deeper why this was the title given as you progress each episode – since most scenes are condensed. But on my opinion, the very Foundation (Rock) on how Jesus would Build his ministry can be caught on the words He’ll mention to Simon.

Season 1: Episode 5 – The Wedding Gift

              Now that we are starting on the next half of the season, have you notice their good cinematography? This time, try to notice each symbolical approach done in the scenes you’ll about to see, what could be the other meaning of the wedding GIFT that Jesus is about to give us?

 Season 1: Episode 6 – Indescribable Compassion

              Now we know how Jesus can be so powerful and his deep love for his mother, Mary, that encouraged him on her saying “If not now? When?”. That gave me chills btw, but let’s proceed on Jesus’ indescribable compassion to all mankind in this episode as He shows his determination without the fear of spreading news about Him since He knew his timing will come.

Season 1: Episode 7 – Invitations

              THE CHOSEN itself has a lot of intriguing scenarios to what it could mean, that made this series very interesting, but have your ever wondered who could be Jesus inviting this time since the title mentioned is “invitation-s”.

Season 1: Episode 8 – I Am He

              Now that the season is about to end, what are you take-away lessons so far? Will you grab the chance to pay it forward after this episode too? Are we going to be excited like the Samaritan whom Jesus will reveal himself as the Messiah? Let’s all be like her, that ecstatic feeling as we wait for the rest of the season!

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