The very BASIC GUIDE to read the BIBLE

Hi everyone! This is the very BASIC GUIDE for me to start how to read the Bible its kind of child friendly, it’s from how to find what you’ll read and at least know some style in memorizing the books for you not to check the table of contents! teehee but I’d made this post for me to remember how I’ll teach my kids in the future so I hope you can enjoy it as I did in the process.

Parts of how to find what you’ll read in the Bible

Better know the differences of Books, Chapter and Verses. Not all is knowledgeable in an instant so this is just a basic example

How to memorize your BOOKS in the Bible

Memorizing is not my forte but at least knowing how many books we have to learn could give us a head start on how to go about it. So below is a list of 66 Books that we have in the Bible, 39 for the Old Testament and 27 for the New testament. This is in Alphabetical order, if that is your way of memorizing it? but engk.

Good for you to memorize it this way!, Your indeed a genius having a perfect score of a hundred in your yellow sheet of pad paper 😀 haha, way to go for you – insert applause emoticon.

So, here’s the other way of memorizing it~ At least this time its arranged the way it is in the table of contents, its the matter of remembering who goes first or next to each other. This is just my adult version of teaching since me and my partner is an architect, technical and visuals is what we need at our age lol, I would easily just make a simpler words for my kids to memorize next time!

So here’s our Road Map we made, that you may use but we highly recommend that you alter the words or sentences on your own for you to easily memorize 🙂 By the way you’ll notice that it is categorize as well.

Were you able to make it to the Finish line? No one will ever forget the last book, Revelation, definitely! and oh! did you noticed we use the name of Gaius? Teehee, well he is just one of the roman soldiers who works along with Matthew from ‘The Chosen’ series. I just find his name cool!

How to read your Bible: A beginner’s guide on where to start

Ever since grade school I’ve already been taught about the Bible teachings, from classroom to attending mass celebration, but it was just after college where I have internally appreciate what it is all about. Honestly, it took a lot of years. Well probably it’s because it had drawn me closer to Him after all obstacles and it’s just a way for me to express my gratitude in sharing what I have learned and make good of use my talent.

It’s pretty much over-whelming to look into a thick BOOK with a small font. But on the brighter side, it is the only book wherein the Author is in love with the reader. And the more you read the bible the more you’ll love Him back. What a great start of growing relationship with Him as we practice the give and take like.

So here is just my suggestion on where to start:

1. Get a Bible version that you can easily understand.

Have you ever bought a book that have lost your interest in the middle of what you are reading? Well we all have that kind of feeling that if we don’t understand, we won’t read it.

The Bible has a lot of versions already but we all know that it is originally in Hebrew and Greek. A tip may be is to ask your church leaders on their version so that you can read along as they teach. Let me share to you my version, New International Version (NIV), that was given to me as a gift! It’s readable and has footnotes below too, that explain difficult to understand passages of Scripture. 

Since my book is bulky, you can now just download a Bible app with a click of a button of your phone.

2. PRAY before you begin to read

Prayers are very powerful and I can surely attest to it, anyways it will always be best to ask from Him directly so that some of your thoughts may be answered as He speaks to your conscience.

Jeremiah 29:13 says, “You will seek me and find Me, if you seek Me with all your heart.” God loves to reveal himself to those who seek Him.

3. Have a Bible reading plan

There are already several choices of Bible reading plans and one of this is a good site that you can start with. On the other hand, a friend of mine gave me ANAWIN which I witness our priest uses it. Lastly, you can consider buying a book which is “Our Daily Bread”, this book used to be free from where I used to work as one of their yearly free books they give!

Both the Anawim and Our Daily bread would have daily scriptures to ready and their situational stories that you can reflect on.

You may want to check this short run-through I made which can somehow let you connect as how Old Testament and New Testament is interrelated.

4. Write it down

Writing things down is a good exercise for your to remember what you have read and it will be a good habit to ask these questions every after reading a story or scripture.

  • What does this teach me about God?
  • What does this teach me about how I should live?

You’ll just find some words that may connect or answer your thoughts. Do pause from time to time and let the message sink in because these words are God’s words to you.

5. Take time to read a little everyday!

Well it’s not an obligation for this suggestion but taking some time to read a little everyday goes a long way! You’ll never know that you might have already formed a good habit of starting the day with a bible reading, depends on your situation that suites you.

Ar. Ludwig Mies van der Rohe quoted “Less is More” well this can be applied wherein sometimes when we read less, the more we remember! So it’s a matter of giving a five minutes of your time to Him 🙂

Let’s create your DREAM Space with MSSW

Here are my reference link that helped me create this content:

Where to start reading the Bible

The Idea of memorizing the Bible Books

As I end this post, what really led me to appreciate more of the Bible is not just my personally relationship with Him but the great cinematography done by THE CHOSEN. Do check more on it and you’ll just thank me later for the invitation for you to watch it 😉

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